Speier Applauds Judge's Ruling Declaring Proposition 8 Unconstitutional


Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D- San Francisco/San Mateo) released the following statement on the decision by U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker to overturn Proposition 8, which defines marriage as only between a man and a woman:

"Proposition 8 wrote discrimination into our state's Constitution. I am pleased Judge Walker overturned it," said Congresswoman Speier. "The freedom to marry is a fundamental right that every American deserves. Historically, our country has struck down discriminatory efforts to divide the public into first- and second-class citizens, and it should continue that tradition with marriage equality as well. That this stain will one day be removed from California's body of laws is a when, not if, proposition. I have married gay and lesbian couples when it was legal, and I look forward to the day when they are given back the right to marry in California."
